Guidance Note: A gender-responsive approach to disaster risk reduction (DRR) planning in the agriculture sector

This Guidance Note aims to provide action-oriented guidance to local and national government officials and key decision makers who face post-disaster challenges and to assist them in incorporating gender-responsive recovery and reconstruction efforts across all sectors through robust gender assessments that lead to concrete needs identification and gender-specific recovery strategies and frameworks.

The note also addresses the different challenges that women face in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction caused by underlying issues of inequality and marginalization.

Further, the note provides guidance on how to turn a post-disaster situation into an opportunity to enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment, with a focus on building back better, as the aftermath of a disaster can present opportunities for new and more progressive gender roles and relationships to emerge.

The guidance note is structured around three key areas:

  1. Identifying and Prioritizing Gender-Specific Recovery Needs
  2. Protecting Women and Men from Physical and Psychosocial Harm
  3. Planning for Gender-Responsive Recovery in the Disaster Recovery Framework and Empowering Women for Sustainable and Resilient Recovery
Type of Publication
Guidance Notes
Implementation, Strategy
Infrastructure, Insurance
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery