Call for Applications

Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions Technical Advisory Facility

Advisory support on Gender-Lens Investing and Grant Making in Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (CDRFI) Solutions

The Centre of Excellence (‘CoE’) on Gender-smart Solutions Technical Advisory Facility (TAF) has launched a call for applications for those parties interested in receiving support on Gender-Lens Investing and Grant Making in Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (CDRFI) based on the InsuResilience step by step guidance on the topic. Gender-lens investing in CDRFI solutions involves incorporating a gender analysis in the process of directing CDRFI investments and grants into activities or organisations which support climate and disaster resilience building and risk protection. It is an approach that can provide financial protection and build the climate resilience of the people most vulnerable to climate change and disasters.

The IGP CoE TAF aims to support and scale up the practical application of knowledge on gender-smart CDRFI solutions. This is in response to an identified need and demand from InsuResilience Members for advice and support on applying gender-related knowledge in practice. The IGP Secretariat, together with a qualified Gender Advisor, will provide the technical advisory as a free service.


Target Audience

The target audience for this TAF window are: organizations wishing to strengthen their existing approach to gender-lens investing and grant making related to CDRFI; organizations that are involved in public and private investing and grant making in CDRFI but have yet to apply a gender-lens; or organizations looking to start to direct investments and grants in CDRFI with a gender-lens. This includes asset owners or managers including international agencies, regional and national development banks, public and private foundations, and NGOs, and other entities involved in directing CDRFI investments and grants into activities or organisations which support climate and disaster resilience building and risk protection.


The support package

Organizations will receive virtual one-on-one tailored advice from an experienced gender advisor over a four-month period. Potential areas of support include: building the business case to secure internal buy-in for applying a gender-lens in CDRFI investments and grant allocation; identifying material gender risks and opportunities for your CDRFI -related investments and grants; reviewing the gender-lens investing and grant making process to integrate gender considerations across the deal origination and sourcing and due diligence process; guidance on gender and CDRFI capacity building of investees and grantees; guidance on providing technical support on gender to grantees and investees; and guidance on strengthening the gender diversity of the investment committee and teams.


Each support package includes:

  • 5 – 8 calls of 45 minutes with a Gender Advisor
  • Gap analysis and recommendations report
  • Individualised action plan tailored to the needs of the entity
  • Documented action plan implementation advice
  • One virtual peer learning workshop
  • Involvement in reporting on the impact of the Technical Advisory Facility through the InsuResilience Centre of Excellence, coordinating reporting with all parties.

Each package will be delivered virtually following a six-step approach: (1) Kick-off, (2) Gap Assessment, (3) Recommendations, (4) Action Plan, (5) Implementation, and (6) Wrap-up and way forward.



The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Willingness and active commitment to carry out the Six-step Approach to its completion (e.g., by allocating resources and naming a dedicated focal point of contact, invest own resources to support the activities, communicate and promote the advisory support).
  • Applicants should be a registered organisation (and should be able to prove this)
  • Applicants should be working/located in an emerging market.
  • Ideally, applicants are already working with CDRFI, either in the initiation phase or the implementation phase

An initial eligibility check will be applied to all applications. Those applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be excluded from further consideration. Please note that while membership of the IGP would be an advantage, it is not mandatory.


How to Apply

If you are interested in applying to receive support on Gender-Lens Investing and Grant Making in CDRFI Solutions through the Technical Advisory Facility, please return the completed application form via e-mail to with the following subject line: Technical Advisory Facility – Third Cycle.

The closing date for applications is 15 September 2023, 23:59 CEST.

For additional information on the advisory services and the application procedure, please contact

Application Form

What is gender-smart Monitoring & Evaluation?

Gender considerations are relevant to M&E at all steps within the CDRFI ‘programme life cycle’. It is essential that M&E systems are established at the design stage (i.e., initiating and planning the programme including defining the scope and the theory of change, results framework, and activities) in ways that facilitate the monitoring of gender-differentiated results. The M&E system for CDRFI programmes determines what types of data and qualitative information are needed, collected and how they are analysed and used.

The M&E system should facilitate a reflection on who is participating and benefitting from investments in CDRFI, and whether the engagement is promoting equality and equity during the implementation stage (i.e. the execution of programme activities). In turn, the gender-differential impact and potential gender-transformative impact of interventions and/or payouts need to be evaluated during the closure or end of the programme (i.e. to assess medium-term results or outcomes, and impacts).

Find our more about gender-smart M&E in this step-by-step guidance note.




This toolkit provides a gender-smart Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (CDRFI) policy self-assessment framework to identify and analyse the extent to which gender considerations are integrated into your country’s CDRFI-related policies and where there are gaps. This analysis can help you to understand the extent to which gender-based differences in behaviour, risks and vulnerabilities between people are considered within CDRFI-related policies. The findings can assist you to understand gender and CDRF-related policy constraints and enablers and inform recommendations to strengthen the gender-responsiveness of these policies. These recommendations can be drawn on to develop a gender-smart CDRFI action plan. If you work at a regional level, this toolkit will support you to compare gender-smart CDRFI policy actions and gaps between countries at a regional level by aggregating high-level analysis on multiple countries in a given region.

Find our more about the toolkit for policymakers.