Live TALK Series on Gender and Climate Risk Finance and Insurance: Integrating Gender Responsive Strategies into Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions

Link to Report LIVE TALK 01

Link to the recording LIVE TALK 01

The LIVE TALK 01: Integrating Gender Responsive Strategies into Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions was organized and promoted by FARM-D and the InsuResilience Global Partnership within the framework of their engagement together with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The aim was to gather insights of various stakeholders to inform guidance material on how to include gender-smart solutions under the InsuResilience Global Partnership’s broader mandate.

Gender-responsive climate risk insurance (CRI) schemes can provide risk protection that addresses differences in women’s and men’s vulnerability to both climate risks and disaster-induced wellbeing losses. Within this framework, in late 2018 the InsuResilience Global Partnership (‘the Partnership’) made a clear commitment to take proactive steps to integrate an intentional focus on gender within the execution of its mandate.

This commitment was informed by the findings of an initial background paper ‘Applying a Gender Lens to Climate Risk Finance and Insurance’ which identified a gap in the exploration of the gender-dimensions of different models of CRI. Building on this, in 2019 the Partnership commissioned a study ‘Integrating gender consideration into different models of climate risk insurance’ which explored the case for incorporating gender with a particular focus on women into different CRI schemes and provider types and identified examples of existing gender approaches.

This webinar provided insights from the study and generated an interactive discussion among key stakeholders on how gender responsive solutions can be integrated into different models of climate and disaster risk finance and insurance (CDRFI). As the first webinar of the series, it is laying the foundation to provide a deep dive into the recommendations that stem from the above-mentioned study, including an interactive discussion on how to incorporate a gender-lens within monitoring and evaluation frameworks and investment or grant-making.

The purpose of the webinar series is to gather insights of various stakeholders to inform the application of gender-smart solutions in risk finance strategies.

The overall objectives are:

  • Providing key insights on gender-sensitive approaches;
  • Presenting and sharing examples of existing gender-responsive CDRFI approaches and good practices; and
  • Informing the development of guidance and documentation on gender-responsive CDRFI approaches.
Type of Publication
Event Report
Financial Inclusion
InsuResilience Global Partnership / FARM-D