Expert Directory
Gender in Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) is still a niche topic, so that finding the right experts for your project can be challenging. In this Expert Directory, you will find a growing number of experts who can advise you on gender-responsiveness for your programme, speak at your events or conduct research studies. Simply use the filter function on the left to find the expert you are looking for.
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Krishna Prasad Awasthi Consultant
GRPFM, Goverannce, Disaster & Health
Kathmandu, Nepal
I have over 18 years of experience providing technical expertise and strengthening PFM systems, post-disaster financing and gender-responsive budgeting.
Tuga Alaskary
Risk Finance Specialist
Geneva, Switzerland
Disaster Risk Financing Specialist with over 14 years of professional experience across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Gender lead for UNDP Insurance and Risk Finance Facility.
Judith Münster Consultant
Gender & WEE Expert
Berlin, Germany
Gender I Women's economic empowerment (WEE) I Gender & Climate I Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) Experience in gender analyses, technical assistance, qualitative and quantitative research.
Kelvin Mwangi Consultant
Disaster Risk Management & Gender Equality
Nairobi, Kenya
I am an expert in Disaster Risk Management & Gender Equality. With 8+ years experience across 12 projects, I specialize in integrating gender perspectives into DRM strategies, particularly Finance.
Josh Ling Consultant
Financial Inclusion & Disaster Risk Finance
Madrid, Spain
Passionate about the role of insurance and finance in supporting the livelihoods and resilience of the most vulnerable. Qualified actuary working in disaster risk finance and financial inclusion.
Jennifer Phillips
Advisor at Global Shield Secretariat & Gender Lead
Bonn, Germany
Lead of the Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions: Working closely with partners to ensure the integration of a gender lens and socially inclusive approach in the Global Shield.
Vartika Shukla Consultant
Expert - Financial Inclusion, Gender
Chennai, India
15+ years of experience working as a financial inclusion & women's economic empowerment consultant with banks, mobile network operators, agent network managers & microfinance institutions
Katherine Miles Consultant
Gender and Climate and Disaster Risk Insurance
Oxford , United Kingdom
Katherine has advised InsurResilience Global Partnership on the gender dimensions of climate and disaster risk finance and insurance since 2018. She has developed multiple guidance notes on the topic
Jana Siebeneck
Climate and Disaster Risk & Gender
Berlin, Germany
Disaster Risk | Climate Policy | Gender | Finance | | Climate Policy Advisor with experience in vulnerability research and disaster risk finance and management. Passionate about the interlinkages between disaster risk, power structures, gender and financial inclusion to develop strategies that address the most vulnerable to climate risks. Let's connect to explore opportunities for collaboration, speaking engagements at event, or cross-overs of your work with the work of the Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions or the Global Shield against Climate Risks.
Andrea Miranda Consultant
Gender Policy Expert (TEST PROFILE)
Bonn, Germany
PhD in Political Science with an emphasis on Latin American Studies and Feminist Policy Development.