Judith Münster
Gender & WEE Expert
Gender I Women's economic empowerment (WEE) I Gender & Climate I Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) Experience in gender analyses, technical assistance, qualitative and quantitative research.
Gender Consultant , Oxford Policy Management Europe GmbH
Berlin, Germany
ContactAreas of expertise
Available for
Collaboration and exchangeConsultancy workSpeaking rolesCDRFI Expertise
OtherSocial Protection SchemesGender
Access to FinanceFeminist Foreign PolicyGender Dimensions of Climate Risk and DisastersGender MainstreamingGender-based ViolenceIntersectionalitySexual and Reproductive HealthStructural BarriersLanguages
EnglishFrenchGermanSpanishMethods & Skills
Academic WritingAnalytical interviewsCapacity Building & TrainingsEvent/Webinar FacilitationEvent/Webinar OrganisationExpert interviewsFocus Group DiscussionsGender-responsive Needs AssessmentsGender-responsive Risk AssessmentModerationMonitoring & EvaluationQualitative ResearchQualitative Vulnerability AssessmentQuantitative ResearchSex-disaggregated DataRegional Expertise
AsiaEuropeMiddle East & North AfricaSub-Saharan AfricaProfessional experience
Key Account Manager & Gender Consultant
Business development for OPM Europe and gender consultant. This includes providing gender analyses and quantitative and qualitative research on gender issues for a multitude of projects.
Gender Expert
Under the GIZ Global Programme Global Alliances for Social Protection (GASP), reviewed the country programme outline for Uzbekistan from a gender lens.
Gender Expert
Evaluation and tracking of gender-responsiveness of the programmes and projects under the IGP umbrella. Wrote opinion piece for Annual Report on overcoming barriers to gender-responsive programming.
Gender Expert
Evaluation of the GIZ Better Migration Management (BMM) II capacity development measures. Ensured gender-sensitive design and trained data collectors. Wrote gender synthesis.
WEE Expert
Research on and product development of documentation on women’s economic empowerment (WEE) for the Sector project on sustainable economic development.
Gender Expert
Research on fiscal strategies to reduce inequality. Write-up of gender-related inequalities and recommendations for WEE.
Project Manager, Study Responsible, Gender Expert
Project design, management and implementation in the field of health, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) as well as sexual and reproductive health (SGBV).
Gender Expert
KAP survey on sexual and reproductive health of youth in West Africa. Designed research, supported data collection training and supervision. Analysis and report writing.
Gender Expert
Evaluation of the intervention “Transforming Masculinities / Masculinities, Family and Faith” in Kinshasa, DRC. Write-up of analysis on gender inequality and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
Development of national risk communication strategy in Tunisia. Developed training module on gendered risk communication approaches.
Gender Expert
KAP study on the distribution and utilisation of family kits distributed to households in DRC. Gender expert for research design and reporting phase.
Peace and Conflict Expert & Gender Expert
Preparation of a German fund for the integration of migrants in neighbouring countries. Situational analyses on peace and conflict. Included WEE, gender and gender mainstreaming in programming.
Overcoming barriers to gender-responsive climate programming
Münster, Judith; Other authors: Maggioni, Alessandro ; OPM ; 2023
Overcoming barriers to gender-responsive programming, Opinion Piece in InsuResilience’s Annual Report 2022
Münster, Judith; Other authors: Maggioni, Alessandro ; IGP; 2023
The gender-responsiveness of InsuResilience projects
Hillier, Debbie; Other authors: Münster, Judith; Montier, Emily ; Maggioni, Alessandro; IGP ; 2022
Evidences for Women’s Economic Empowerment. WEE approaches to overcome barriers and knowledge gaps
Münster, née Zimmermann, Judith; GIZ; 2021